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Here you can find and download tools for branding and positioning specific industries.
Norway is a long and narrow country, with huge differences in nature, a harsh climate and many isolated places.
We Norwegians have been dependent on cooperation to flourish.
Our ability to share knowledge and learn from one another is one of our strengths.
As is our firmness in tackling daunting challenges.
We value a good work-life balance and gender equality.
We also appreciate diversity beyond gender.
We are digitally savvy.
And we are keen to use technology for the greater good.
We use our centuries of experience in traditional industries
to find modern, greener solutions.
This article provides an introduction to the tools and assets you will find in the brand centre and how to use them to strengthen your own brand with the Norway brand.
Made in Norway is a brand-new stamp of origin, sustainability and responsibility. Capitalise on the many positive associations the world has of Norway as a country of origin. A reminder of the origin of your product or solution can have a differentiating effect on your brand and increase competitiveness.